OOEO Agency's Blog

Discover our experts' tips on the web, marketing and tech.

  • Vercel usage
    Reducing Vercel usage: mastering Data Cache and Function execution

    You're staring at your Vercel invoice in amazement, aren't you? Rest assured, you're not alone in the face of soaring metrics such as “Data Cache”, “Function Duration” and “ISR”.

    We've put together a Next.js optimization guide to help you reduce your Vercel usage without sacrificing performance. We'll let you in on all our secrets for otpimizing your costs.

  • Command failed with exit code 137 Netlify
    Fix Netlify error “Command failed with exit code 137”

    Occasionally, a Next.js site is unable to be deployed on Netlify and encounters the error “Command failed with exit code 137” on each new attempt. This often confusing error is generally due to a lack of memory.

    But rest assured, we've got 3 solutions to solve the problem.